
Installation of multiexp, the text-based program

You can simply download the binary program for your operating system, and put it into a suitable directory, included in the PATH.

  1. Download the compiled program: open the multiexpfit page, select Download, select multiexpfit (not multiexpFD), select the compiled program for linux or windows.
  2. rename it multiexp, for Linux, or multiexp.exe for windows
  3. move the file in a suitable directory, for example /home/myname/bin/ for Linux or c:\myname\bin\ for windows.
  4. add the directory to the path. For Linux, add the following line to the file .bashrc in the home directory:
    For windows, add the following line to the file AUTOEXEC.BAT in c:\:
  5. Optional operations (you can stop here). Create a batch file for easily run multiexp. For Linux systems, create a text file named, containing the following text:
    cd $(echo $1 | sed 's/\/[^/]*\.fcn//')
    /home/knoppix/bin/multiexp $(basename $1) fit.log 2>fit.err
    Then, associate the file extension to it. For my KDE: Settings/Control center/KDE Components/File associations; Add/application + multiexp fcn/add .fcn, icon, Remember to set the property of to "Run in terminal". For the icon, you can use this one:
    For Windows users, the icon can be this one:
The icon is available also in gif format:

Compilation of multiexp, the text-based program

If the compiled program cannot run in your operating system, you can compile it from the sources.

  1. Download c-minuit. Try the example.
  2. Download the sources: open the multiexpfit page, select Download, select multiexpfit (not multiexpFD), select the sorce gzipped file. You can also use the CVS repository to have the latest version and updates.
  3. Copy the following files into c-minuit directory:
  4. Add the commands in files:
    Simply copy the files if no other program must be compiled.
  5. Follow the INSTALL file in c-minuit
  6. When the file multiexp (or multiexp.exe for windows) has been created, follow instructions in the previous section to set the PATH variable.

Installation of moments, the text-based program

You can simply download the binary program for your operating system, and put it into a suitable directory, included in the PATH.

  1. Download the compiled program: open the multiexpfit page, select Download, select moments, select the compiled program for linux or windows.
  2. rename it moments, for Linux, or moments.exe for windows
  3. move the file in a suitable directory, for example /home/myname/bin/ for Linux or c:\myname\bin\ for windows.
  4. add the directory to the path. For Linux, add the following line to the file .bashrc in the home directory:
    For windows, add the following line to the file AUTOEXEC.BAT in c:\:

Compilation of moments, the text-based program

If the compiled program cannot run in your operating system, you can compile it from the sources.

  1. Download the sources: open the multiexpfit page, select Download, select moments, select the sorce gzipped file. You can also use the CVS repository to have the latest version and updates.
  2. Unzip.
  3. Open a terminal.
  4. Change dir to the unzipped files.
  5. Do:
  6. If something is missing (GSL, perhaps), then edit the file Makefile
  7. When the file multiexp (or multiexp.exe for windows) has been created, follow instructions in the previous section to set the PATH variable.

Installation of multiexpFD, the graphic user interface

The multiexp program can work with a text-based interface. The low-level user can require a graphic user interface, with a lot of buttons, menus, windows and so on, that interfaces the user with the program. This is the purpose of multiexpFD.

  1. Install multiexp program.
  2. Download the Java RE from sun
  3. Be sure that the command java is in the PATH. For Linux, add the following line to the file .bashrc in the home directory:
    For windows, add the following line to the file AUTOEXEC.BAT in c:\:
  4. Download the jar file: open the multiexpfit page, select Download, select multiexpFD, select the .jar file.
  5. Download also the jar files of the package JSci. Put all the jar files with the multiexp.jar file.
  6. Create a shell script. For windows, put the following line in a file named multiexp.bat:
    java -jar c:/something/multiexpFD/jars/Multiexp.jar %1
    Use the full path also for java if it is not included in the PATH
  7. Create a link on the desktop.
  8. Set the file association for the .mex files. Use the icon for Linux, and the icon for Windows.
The icon is available also in gif format:

Compilation of multiexpFD, the graphic user interface

Requires Java 1.4.2 SE from sun, along with JavaCC